隐私声明 基本保密及隐私保护政策
FFY在线工具将个人信息(例如您的姓名、邮编、电子邮件地址或电话号码)视为私有和机密信息。因此,您提供的个人信息将存放 在一个安全位置,并且只有指定员工或得到授权的人员能够访问到这些信息(但有关轮胎的在线注册信息除外,请参见下文),而且我们只会使用这些信息推广我们 的产品或者为客户提供更出色的服务。不会向其他组织和机构泄露您的任何个人信息。



您使用FFY在线工具网站的行为表明您已同意FFY在线工具公司的在线隐私策略。如果您不同意该策略,请不要使用我们的网站。我们保留根据我们的判断随时更改、修改、添加 或删除本策略内容的权利。请定期访问本页面,了解策略是否已发生更改。在隐私策略条款发生更改后仍继续使用我们的网站的行为将被视作您接受这些更改。

Basic confidentiality and privacy protection policy
FFY Online treats personal information, such as your name, zip code, email address or phone number, as private and confidential. Therefore, the personal information you provide will be stored in a safe place, and only designated employees or authorized personnel can access this information (except for the online registration information about tires, see below), and we will only use this information to promote our products or provide better services to customers. You will not disclose any personal information to other organizations and institutions

Information collection
FFY Online Tools When you browse the FFY Online Tools website, you are browsing the site anonymously. We will not collect any personal information, and the website is completely free of charge. We will not collect any information

Other websites
FFY online tool website may contain links to other sites. We try to link only those sites that have the same high standard privacy protection policy as us. However, we are not responsible for the content or privacy policies of other sites

Your use of FFY Online Tools indicates that you have agreed to the online privacy policy of FFY Online Tools. If you do not agree with this policy, please do not use our website. We reserve the right to change, modify, add or delete the content of this policy at any time according to our judgment. Please visit this page regularly to see if the policy has changed. If you continue to use our website after the privacy policy terms are changed, you will be deemed to accept these changes