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ARM Base Instruction: blr


The ARM architecture, widely used in embedded systems and mobile devices, provides a range of instructions for efficient and flexible computation. Among these instructions, the blr (Branch with Link Register) instruction plays a crucial role in function calls and branching. This article delves into the blr instruction, its operation, use cases, and provides examples to illustrate its application in real-world scenarios.

Overview of ARM Instruction Set

ARM Instruction Categories

ARM instructions can be broadly categorized into several types:

  • Data Processing Instructions: Perform arithmetic and logical operations.
  • Branch Instructions: Control the flow of execution.
  • Load and Store Instructions: Manage data transfer between registers and memory.
  • Control Instructions: Manage program execution and state.

Role of blr in ARM Architecture

The blr instruction is used to branch to the address contained in a register. It is particularly useful for implementing function calls and returns in a flexible and dynamic manner.

Syntax and Operation of blr


Copy Code
blr <register>
  • <register>: The register containing the address to branch to.


The blr instruction performs the following operations:

  1. The address stored in the specified register is retrieved.
  2. The program counter (PC) is updated to this address.
  3. The execution continues from the new address.

Use Cases of blr

Function Calls

The blr instruction is commonly used to implement function calls. By storing the address of the function to be called in a register and using blr, the program can jump to the function's location.

Dynamic Branching

In scenarios where the target of a branch is not known at compile time, blr allows for dynamic branching based on runtime information.

Examples and Scenarios

Example 1: Basic Function Call

Copy Code
// Function to add two numbers add_numbers: ADD X0, X0, X1 RET // Main code MOV X0, #5 MOV X1, #10 BLR add_numbers

In this example, the blr instruction is used to call the add_numbers function with parameters stored in X0 and X1.

Example 2: Dynamic Branching

Copy Code
// Define a table of function pointers function_table: .word func1 .word func2 // Main code MOV X0, #1 LDR X1, [function_table, X0, LSL #3] // Load address of func1 BLR X1 func1: // Implementation of func1 RET func2: // Implementation of func2 RET

Here, blr is used for dynamic branching based on the value in X0, allowing for flexible function calls from a table.

Advanced Topics

Optimization Considerations

Using blr efficiently can impact performance. Considerations include:

  • Branch Prediction: Ensuring branches are predicted accurately can reduce pipeline stalls.
  • Inlining: Sometimes, inlining small functions can reduce the overhead of branching.

Security Implications

The use of blr can also have security implications. For instance, malicious code could potentially exploit dynamic branching to execute arbitrary functions. Proper validation and control flow mechanisms are necessary to mitigate such risks.


The blr instruction is a powerful tool in the ARM instruction set, providing flexibility in branching and function calls. Understanding its operation and applications can enhance your ability to write efficient and dynamic ARM assembly code.


  • ARM Architecture Reference Manual
  • ARM Developer Documentation

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