ASP 语法学习笔记

1. 基本语法

ASP(Active Server Pages)使用 VBScript 作为默认的脚本语言,允许在 HTML 中插入脚本代码。以下为 ASP 的基本语法:

1.1 变量声明

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<% Dim variableName variableName = "value" %>

1.2 条件语句

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<% If condition Then ' do something ElseIf otherCondition Then ' do something else Else ' do something different End If %>

1.3 循环语句

For 循环

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<% For i = 0 To 10 Step 2 ' do something Next %>

While 循环

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<% Do While condition ' do something Loop %>

1.4 函数定义

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<% Function functionName(param1, param2) ' function body functionName = result End Function %>

2. 实例

以下为一个简单的 ASP 页面,展示了变量声明、条件语句、循环语句和函数定义的应用。

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<html> <head> <title>ASP Syntax Example</title> </head> <body> <% Dim num num = 5 If num > 0 Then For i = 1 To num Response.Write "The square of " & i & " is " & square(i) & "<br>" Next Else Response.Write "Invalid input" End If Function square(x) square = x * x End Function %> </body> </html>

以上 ASP 页面将输出如下内容:

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The square of 1 is 1 The square of 2 is 4 The square of 3 is 9 The square of 4 is 16 The square of 5 is 25